
Nightlife - Rob Thurman Cal and Niko have lived the last 4 years of their life on the run... ever since Cal discovered his father is a monster, an evil and hated Grendel. Grendels are a vicious and hated species from the otherworld, and apparently they have some grand scheme that involves Cal and they've been tracking him throughout his life. He escaped once, but they don't plan to let him go again... not when their entire existence depends on it!

I enjoyed this first novel from new author Rob Thurman. The storyline was interesting and there was enough action to keep me interested. One thing that threw me though was that the mythology was quite a bit different from what I've come to know about the various otherworld species. For instance, Cal's father is referred to as a Grendel or Auphe, which is actually an Elf. So this is the first time I've encountered evil, bloodthirsty elves with red demon eyes, and the character of Rob Fellowes, aka the puck Robin Goodfellow, didn't come across as very faery-like to me either. a typical faery creature either. So I kind of had to put aside my past learnings about these creatures so it didn't impact my perception of the characters in this book in the wrong way. I have Moonshine, the follow-up to Nightlife, waiting on Mt. TBR, so I'll be looking forward to seeing how this series progresses.