The Line

Though the main character was only 20 years old (21 by the end), I wouldn't consider this a young adult novel as there's a few adult themes going on, or at least discussed. I believe it may actually fall into a somewhat new genre called New Adult. So parents, definitely don't push this one on your teen unless you've read it first yourself.
Overall, I thought this was a really good read that ramped up even more about halfway through and then kept you on your toes right up to the very end. The first chapter started out a bit choppy, and didn't seem to have much to do with the rest of the story. After reading it, I didn't have a strong sense about the book overall, but in retrospect, it seemed to have introduced and even added a bit of dimension to several characters in the story, Mercy's included, without having to go into long lengthy explanations. The characters were well developed and I really felt for Mercy and everything she went through. Though I did question her angelic like quality of being able to unequivocally forgive some of the people who've wronged her so terribly. Mother Jilo, another awesomely drawn character, really pulled you into the whole vibe of Savannah. Witches, Hoodoo, boo hags, and golems... all taking place down in the deep south. I look forward to the next title in this series.